Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Phantom... from Youtube

First, you must understand that I am a huge fan of Phantom of the Opera. As I trawled through Youtube, finding something to listen to, I hit upon the great idea of listening to string quartets playing the theme from Phantom. I found one that I especially liked. When I first watched it, it had about 80 views. I thought that it would be cool to feature this quartet on my blog in the hope of generating more views for them. Unfortunately, since I watched the video about five days ago, they have gotten about 200 more views. And so, for the sake of my little promise, I give you: Quartet Moderne- Phantom of the Opera, by Youtube user kimjoven!

The video is not great quality, but the music is!

There are many other videos that do the Phantom of the Opera, but this is one that I really feel has the passion to play it well. I love this quartet because even though there are only four instruments, but they play them so well that it does not matter that the original score was meant for a whole orchestra. The fire with which they play is beautiful. Call me strange, but when a musician smiles as she plays a difficult piece, I feel like she is a real musician. Watch the young woman on the right and you will see what I mean.



1 comment:

  1. It's amazing to watch them play! Thanks for posting this.


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